Monday, March 10, 2014

"A tale of two lakes"

William Nordhaus, in his book "Climate casino"  on chapter 2 "A tale of two lakes", wrote a  sentence that really caught my attention."We humans control the future of our planet". He is basically saying that, our actions have a major impact on the planet.The impact could be good or bad, it depends on the action. I strongly agree with this because, of the two lakes he contrasted in this same chapter, one that was left intact ls now the home of many organisms, and the other lake located in the Aral sea in central Asia, once the fourth largest lake of the world, has shrunk over the years because the USSR (The Soviet union) diverted the course of the waters. Now the lake is slowly decaying and we're doing nothing whatsoever to prevent the lake from vanishing because we all have our "own problems", not realizing that, this problem will affect us all in the future if we continue to ignore these kind of problems, because if we keep doing what we're doing, it's not only this lake that will vanish,  maybe this behavior of "ignoring" what doesn't affect us directly will  become a habit of the human race,hence, contributing to the deterioration of our planet.

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