Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Sandy Storyline

Hello everyone. Today for my English class I will write about two stories that happened in real life. two horrible stories, but still, two stories that we can learn something from. The main purpose of this task is to show my "quote sandwich" and "critical thinking" skills.

The first story i will tell you about is Derek Prince's story. It's nice to see a person seeing the positive side of life no matter the circumstances. Derek was one of these persons. After the storm, Derek had an epiphany. Derek said  " In everyday life you kinda take certain people for granted. If i learned one thing from the storm it was that. that the memories, and the family time, and whatever moment you hold precious to you that you can't ever get  back if something like this happens, are the things that deserve your focus". Even though Derek lost everything to the storm, he realized that the things he lost are replaceable, but those memories that we can't relive, are still more important than every object that he lost. I believe that Derek will see life from a different perspective now, he will cherish every moment of his life that makes him happy, he now knows that those moments that make him happy are the things that really matter, everything else is replaceable.

The second story I will tell you about is Joe Lombardi's story. Joe went trough a horrible experience with his entire family. And what really struck me the most was his determination about not leaving. It was kinda foolish that he didn't leave given the fact that he has a two year old son and a nine month old daughter, and by not leaving he was putting them in great danger, but still that doesn't mean that we shouldn't take his story as serious as the other stories. Anyhow, back to the experience that he went through which was horrible, when he was telling the story i was shocked that he had to go through this with his entire family. To put it in Joe's words " When the waters reached to the top of my step obviously we didn't leave, we had to make a decision because i have my two kids, the electricity was going out, so i grab my two year old son and my brother in law grabs my 9 month old daughter and we walked, in the rain in the horrible wind with my children". just picturing this image image in a way makes me understand how serious this is, walking in the middle of a storm with your family, just walking up with no destination to get away from the water. But in the end he got out alive with his family and with his health still intact, I guess that's the positive side of the story.

Now that we heard these two stories, and we see how fast the tables can get turned, we have to look closely at everything William Nordhaus tells us in his book "Climate Casino", these storms are doing more damage because of climate change making  sea level  rise. If we keep acting irresponsibly toward this matter, these floods can get more horrible than they already are.

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