Monday, April 7, 2014

Quote sandwich#2

Hello everyone this post is an in-class assignment for my ENG 101 class about New York's response to hurricane sandy. In my opinion the idea that was proposed in response to Sandy's destruction by Gov. Andrew Cuomo looked fairly well. the idea was to spend as much as 400 million dollars to buy and demolish  damaged homes, and turn them into parks, bird sanctuaries, and so on. However, these "buffer zones" in  past catastrophes, were often used by private companies to profit from it, instead of its principal purpose of preventing damage. Naomi Klein in "Blanking the Beach" used about a handful of times the words "Buffer zone" to show how the private sector used them to their advantage. Buffer zone is a zone where people are not allowed to inhabit, in other words, a boundary. the buffer zone conundrum in Klein's own words " on the surface it made sense , but there was a problem with that rationale"(66).


  1. This post has some great ideas, and your opinion is persuasive. But it would be more effective if you could relate Klein's ideas to yours (and your take on Cuomo). Are they similar? Different? A little of each? This idea could be interesting for your essay.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Julien! Nice post! However, I think that it would be better that whenever you start writing a blog try adding statements like"My name is (state your name) and in this blog (state what you would like to discuss)".It would then look like this (My name is Julien Gutierrez, and in this blog I will be writing about New York's response to Hurricane Sandy) Also I saw that in your intro you did not mention, if New York's response was adequate. I think it would be better to state whether or not you believe New York's response was adequate, then try to answer the questions "why do you believe the city's response was adequate or why not? . For instance, You can say " I believe New York's response was adequate because it provided enough housing for the victims and________ etc.), and then follow it by adding a quote sandwich. You explained buffer zone excellently,but I think that it would be better to explain further more what Klein means by using the term "buffer zones". Also I think it would be great to explain what you meant by saying "private sectors using this for their own advantage". What are the advantages of private sectors? You can list these advantages. Great quotation. However, in the end of your quotation I noticed that you only put in the page number of the passage, which is"(66)". I would suggest that you put in the the author's last name plus the page number, which you already did. It would then look like this"(Klein,66)", or if you haven't stated the name of the book where you got the quote, you can also add it.(optional) It would then look like this (Klein,TheShockDoctrine,66)" I also noticed that some words in the blog were misspelled and you forgot to put commas on some of your sentences. I would suggests that before publishing a blog you should proof-read first, and try look closely if you miss out to put on period or commas, or if word is spelled correctly. Overall you did a great job! Keep up the good work! Hope my suggestions could help! :D
