Monday, May 12, 2014

In class Zeitoun blog #2.

The presence of cultural fear is evident in "Zeitoun". First of all, let me define what I mean by cultural fear. Cultural fear is the fear of being treated in a hateful way due to cultural reasons. We can see an example of cultural fear when Eggers wrote about Zeitoun's interrogation. In this interrogation Zeitoun was horrified because he did not know what would happen to him for being Muslim, especially when the soldiers started showing their hatred towards Zeitoun's race (212). Cultural fear can also mean the fear of someone else's culture. Eggers gave us an example of this when he wrote about the case of a tenth grader of Iraqi descent whose teacher was being racist because of her cultural background. He would call Iraq "a third world country", and also was worried the student would "bomb us" (45). In these two situations we can see how our cultural background may have some extreme effects on our lives. In my opinion this senseless battering of different culture just because we fear them makes no sense, no one can choose where they are born. That also means that our cultures may differ from one another, but to condemn people for something they did not have a choice in is preposterous; and because of that people sometimes fear what would happen to them for having a different culture.

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