Monday, May 5, 2014


 In my opinion, after seeing the damage that hurricane Katrina had caused, Zeitoun started having some inner doubts about his decision of staying. Even though he never admits it to Kathy, I believe that the only reason he was staying in this chaos was because of his pride , which in my opinion it is kind of selfish given the fact that he has children. I believe Zeitoun should have left too with his family just to protect his children in case of emergency. David Eggers, on page 89 of his called "Zeitoun" wrote a passage that showed Zeitoun's insecurity about his decision. It is a conversation between Zeitoun and his wife Kathy followed by Zeitoun's thoughts at the moment. He wrote " "Please leave," she said. "Tomorrow." "No, no" he said, but even as he spoke, he was reconsidering"(Eggers, 89). This is what I mean when i say that he had his doubts about his decision. As stubborn and skeptical as he was, we can see that he has his moments were he contemplated if it was the right decision. Did he stay because he was skeptical about the storm?, or because he valued his possessions more than his family?. I don't know, but either way I believe he was mistaken, he should have been with his family in that moment of crisis.

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